Phuket patient reviews and dental feedback on patient experience having sought dental implant treatment at Phuket dental implant clinic, Dental Signature on ProArch (All-on-4) implants, multiple and full mouth dental implants bridges as well as implant dentures.

Mr. Graham McNeilly, Australia

Hi, I am Graham McNeilly. The clinic is highly recommended to me. My teeth was absolute mess. All crooked root, gaps and everything like that. My best friend came here. He’s came back and showed me his beautiful teeth. And I thought I’ll come here too to give it a go. I’ve come back for my second stage of treatment and it is a big job. Very big job, all my teeth have been caped on implants. And I’m very pleased and very proud to be here!

My dentist, he has been excellent! Couldn’t recommend anyone especially work more hard. The staff and everybody is being fantastic. I am like a new man! Looking 10 years younger!

Mr. Ari Kader, Australia

During the first 2 days, I can tell my confidence’s going up with my looks. My looks look younger. It feels good! Definitely feels good!

Will I recommend Phuket Dental Signature? For sure, and in particular my dentist, I really recommend. He’s an excellent doctor and a nice man. I do respect him, and I like him! I believe he has done an incredible job and he has been doing so sincerely.